Office of General Services

Plans Available For Purchase
Effective December 30, 2024, in order to be qualified to work on public works projects covered by Article 8 of the Labor Law,
all contractors and subcontractors must be registered with the New York State Department of Labor (NYSDOL) in accordance with Labor Law § 220-i.
Prime contractors must be registered before submitting a bid. In addition, prime contractors and subcontractors must be registered prior to commencing any new work.
When submitting a bid for OGS Design and Construction contracts, bidders must provide their NYSDOL registration number in the designated space on the Bid Form.
Failure to provide a valid and verifiable registration number from the NYSDOL Registry at the time of bid submission will result in disqualification of the bid.
During this transition period, for projects where the bids were due prior to December 30, 2024, but the work will commence after that date,
prime contractors not already registered with DOL must be registered prior to the commencement of the work.
Please note, per the NYSDOL website, NYSDOL estimates it may take approximately 3-4 weeks to review a registration application and issue a Certificate of Registration.
Please act promptly and register now to avoid any disruptions in your bidding process or project schedule.
For more information and instructions on how to become registered, please visit the NYS Department of Labor website at:
Contractor and Subcontractor Landing | Department of Labor
My OGS Account Information
How to Acquire Bid Documents
Design & Construction
Bid Documents Available
Project List
Project Trade(s) Title/Facility Bid Date  County
47386 C E P  Rehabilitate Stairs & Entryway 03/19/25  Albany
    GNARESP Cornerstone
Q1841 Provide CCTV/Audio Monitoring System Additions 03/19/25  Cayuga
    Auburn CF
47395 Replace Domestic Water Main, Buildings 1 & 9 03/19/25  Chemung
    Elmira PC
47290 C E  Provide Congregate Recreation Pens, E -Block, Building 14 03/19/25  Erie
    Wende CF
Q1958 Decommission & Remove Incinerator 03/19/25  Genesee
    NYS Police Batavia
Q1936 Provide Paving & Drainage Improvements 03/19/25  Nassau
    NYS Police East Meadow
47223 Rehabilitate Plaza Pavers 03/19/25  New York
    AC Powell State OB
47532 E H  Replace Steam Line, Alternate Heat Source, Buildings 138, 139 & 89 03/19/25  Washington
    Washington CF
Q1973 C E H P  Provide Facility Closure 03/19/25  Washington
    Great Meadow CF
Q1847 Replace Roof 03/19/25  Westchester
    Region 8 Valhalla
45954 Repair Steel Cell Backs, A & B Blocks, Building 5 03/26/25  Cayuga
    Auburn CF
Q1938 Demolish Buildings 47 & 47A 03/26/25  Clinton
    Clinton CF
Q1919 E P  Replace Tankless Domestic Hot Water Heaters, S-Block 03/26/25  Greene
    Greene CF
47551 Provide Paving 03/26/25  Madison
    NYS Police Oneida
47437 C E H  Replace Office Roof & Windows 03/26/25  Monroe
    Region 4 East Rochester
47573 E H  Replace HVAC Controls, Buildings 75 & 76 03/26/25  Monroe
    Industry Limited Secure Center
Q1934 Repair & Pave Roadways 03/26/25  Monroe
    Industry Limited Secure Center
47298 C E H  Replace Roofs, Signal Shop 03/26/25  Onondaga
    Region 3 N Syracuse SS
47714 Replace Roof 03/26/25  St Lawrence
    Region 7 Ogdensburg
46064 C E H P  Relocate Safety Office, Building 9 & Rehabilitate Building 5 04/02/25  Chemung
    Elmira PC
47479 C E  Renovate Loading Dock & Building Entrance 04/02/25  Dutchess
    E Roosevelt State OB
47446 C E P  Replace Floor, Dish Room, Building 150 04/02/25  Oneida
    Mohawk CF
M3212 E H  Replace Chiller Units, Hospital Building 156 04/09/25  Clinton
    Clinton CF
Q1904 Provide Shower Oxygen Storage & Seclusion Rooms,, Building 102 04/09/25  New York
    Kirby Forensic PC
Q1874 C E H P  Repair HVAC Controls & Rehabilitate Bedrooms & Bathrooms 04/09/25  Orange
    Goshen SC
Q1949 Provide Protective Fence, Facility Perimeter 04/09/25  Saratoga
    Saratoga Tree Nursery
M3202 Provide DA Tank Accessory Repairs 04/09/25  Westchester
    Sing Sing CF
45506 Repair of Conduits, Binghamton 04/16/25  Broome
    Broome County

How to Acquire Bid Documents

Last Updated:  3/13/2025 4:20:54 PM