Office of General Services

Session Time Left:   00:20:00
Product and Services Classifications Search

You may use the SEARCH options below to help identify the Product and Services Classifications which match your business interests. If you are not sure that a Classification is the one you want you may view the detail for that Classification by selecting it from the list. Also you may use the KEYWORD search to find Classifications that you may wish to select. You should carefully review the Classification list returned by the search to insure that you select the correct two digit Classification code before you return to the selection page to make the actual selections for your Profile.

Enter the KEYWORD(s) that you wish to find in the "Search for:" box.

Example: If you search for the word "sand" in the box below, the Product and Services Classifications 11, 22, 25, and 92 will be displayed together with the OGS Group Numbers and OGS Group Descriptions associated with those Product and Services Classifications. This will show you the types of bids that will be announced with those Classifications.

If you are familiar with the OGS Group Number commodity codes, you may enter the Group Number in the "Search For:" box and the corresponding Product and Services Classification(s) will be displayed.

Example: If you search for OGS Group Number 23000, the Product and Services Classifications 14 and 44 will be displayed. This will show you that bid announcements for that OGS Group Number may be associated with more than one Product and Services Classification and you should register for both Classifications if both match your business interests.

If a multiple KEYWORD search is desired, separate the KEYWORDs with ";".
Search For:      


Select one or more Product and Services Classifications to search. Multiple Classifications may be searched for simultaneously by holding down the "ctrl" key. If no Classification is selected, the entire detailed Classification list will be displayed.

If you have completed your search and have noted the two digit Product and Services Classifications which you wish to register, please close this window to return to the selection page.

If you need help in identifying the Product and Services Classifications that match your business interests, you may may contact Customer Services during normal business hours at (518) 474-6717 .