Visit The Empire State Plaza & New York State Capitol


Empire State Plaza Ice Rink Learn to Skate Clinic Registration

Thank you for your interest in the Empire State Plaza Ice Rink's FREE Learn-to-Skate Clinics presented by Highmark Blue Shield and hosted by the Hudson Mohawk Figure Skating Club.

On the registration page, please indicate skater's skill level that matches the descriptions below.

  • Beginner: Little-to-no skating experience.
  • Intermediate: Some experience & ability to stop.
  • Advanced: Ability to skate backwards.

Please note: The ice rink will be closed to the public during each skating clinic.


Available Learn to Skate Clinics

To register, please click on a scheduled class time below. All classes are 30 minutes long.

Please call the Plaza Visitor Center at 518 474-2418, for more information