Office of General Services

ESB Bid Results
Design & Construction
Construction Opportunities
Latest Bid Results
Bid Results are Unofficial and are being offered for Information Only
Project List
Project Trade(s) Title Bid Date County
47224 C Provide Structural Repairs & Remediate Water Infiltration 03/12/25 Albany
45954 C, E, P Repair Steel Cell Backs, A & B Blocks, Building 5 03/12/25 Cayuga
46075 C, E, H, P Provide Maintenance Sub-Headquarters 03/12/25 Columbia
45838 C, E Replace Generator 03/12/25 Fulton
47618 E Replace Facility Wide Fire Alarm System 03/12/25 Fulton
46188 C, E Provide Masonry Repair, Buildings 31 & 7 03/12/25 Oneida
46091 C Olean Levee Bank Stabilization 03/05/25 Cattaraugus
M3174 C, E, H, P Replace Roofs Buildings 3, 7, 8, 17, 21 & 25 03/05/25 Cayuga
47543 C, E Provide Salt Storage Building 1 & Replace Roof Building 2 – West Seneca 03/05/25 Erie
47560 E, H Replace Boiler 03/05/25 Franklin
Q1913 C Remove, Replace & Repair Staircases, Center Yard 03/05/25 Greene
Q1921 C, E, H Replace Underground Petroleum Bulk Storage Tanks 03/05/25 Jefferson
46240 H Provide Facility-Wide CCTV/Audio Monitoring System & Civilian Personal Alarm System 03/05/25 Oneida
Q1863 C Remove Generator & Restore Site 03/05/25 Suffolk
Q1779 E, H Repair / Replace Heating Lines, 1st Floor, Building 1 02/26/25 Chemung
47695 E, H Replace HVAC, Garage 02/26/25 Suffolk
47366 E, H Replace Heating System 02/19/25 Albany
47588 C Replace Roof, Building 12 02/19/25 Albany
46005 C Repair Cell Doors and Lock Boxes, Building 46 02/19/25 Chemung
47559 E, H Replace Boiler 02/19/25 Jefferson
46240 C, E Provide Facility-Wide CCTV/Audio Monitoring System & Civilian Personal Alarm System 02/19/25 Oneida
47647 E, H Replace Boiler 02/12/25 Clinton
47270 C, E Provide Congregate Recreation Pens, S - Block, Building 100 02/12/25 Dutchess
47754 C Replace Roof 02/12/25 Lewis
47576 C Replace Roof 02/12/25 Suffolk
Q1933 C Remove & Repave Recreation Courts, Main Building 02/12/25 Tompkins
45938 C Provide Masonry Preservation, Buildings 12A-12N 02/12/25 Ulster
Q1952 C Provide Structural Repairs, Walkway Canopy 02/05/25 Albany
47697 C Rehabilitate East Bathhouse 02/05/25 Nassau
Q1892 C Replace Kitchen Exhaust Hood 02/05/25 Oneida
47100 C Replace Seepage Relief Wells 01/29/25 Chemung
47324 C, E Provide Patrol Road and Secure Perimeter Modifications 01/29/25 Erie
46111 C, E, H, P Rebuild Existing SHU Walls, Replace Windows 01/29/25 Sullivan
Q1948 C Replace Roof, SOEK Storage Facility, Building No.140 01/29/25 Washington
47073 C, E, H Replace Roof, Phase 3, Art & Home Building 01/22/25 Onondaga
47246 E, H, P Upgrade Domestic Hot Water System, Building 83 01/22/25 Suffolk
47539 C Repair Roofs 01/15/25 Albany
46009 C, E Repair Steam Tunnel 01/15/25 Clinton
47665 H Replace Boilers 01/15/25 Niagara
Q1925 H Provide Hot Water System Upgrades, Building 100 01/08/25 Dutchess
Q1942 E, H Replace Chiller, Troop K Headquarters 01/08/25 Dutchess
47461 C, E, H, P Replace Roofs, Buildings 33, 34, 35, 39 & 66 01/08/25 Monroe
Q1900 H Replace Domestic Hot Water Heaters, Building 5 01/08/25 New York
47568 E Replace Fire Alarm 12/18/24 Columbia
Q1872 C Replace Stairs, Buildings 3, 5, and 7 12/18/24 Erie
Q1931 E, H, U Repair/Replace Elevators, Buildings 10 & 12 12/18/24 Franklin
47268 C, E Provide Congregate Recreation Pens, S - Block, Building 45 12/18/24 Greene
Q1937 C Provide Paving & Drainage Improvements 12/18/24 Ontario
47485 C Replace Roof 12/18/24 Tioga
Q1890 E, P Replace Hot Water Storage tank, Building 8 12/18/24 Washington
Q1859 E Provide Perimeter System IP Cameras, Fiber Cables & Controls 12/18/24 Westchester
47011 C, E, P Air Intake Plumbing & Concrete Repairs 12/11/24 Albany
47552 E Upgrade Electronic Security Systems 12/11/24 Chenango
Q1851 C Provide Paving & Site Piping Improvements, Buildings 26, 47, 56, 69, 71 & 72 12/11/24 Suffolk
Q1924 C Replace Roof 12/11/24 Warren
Q1902 C, E, H Replace Perimeter Detection & Camera Systems 12/11/24 Westchester
M3182 C Replace Roof & Rehabilitate Stone Exterior, Chapel, Building 13 12/04/24 Clinton
Q1858 C Replace Roof 12/04/24 Orange
47433 C Replace Trash Compactors, Buildings 40 & 41 12/04/24 Queens
47396 C Replace Roof, Building 30 12/04/24 Ulster
47619 C Replace Windows, Doors & Storefronts, Buildings 507 & 508 12/04/24 Westchester
47148 C Replace Concrete Terrazzo 11/20/24 Albany
Q1878 C Provide Outfall Egress Platform 11/20/24 Albany
47206 C Provide Basement Removals 11/20/24 Kings
47358 C Replace Roof, Building 47 11/20/24 Wyoming
47421 C, E, H, P, U Modernize Elevators, Buildings 8 11/13/24 Albany
45998 C, E, P Upgrade Plumbing and Fixtures and Rehabilitate Cell Backs, C Block 11/13/24 Clinton
47119 C Provide Exit Staircase, Building 106 11/13/24 New York
47703 C, H Job Order Contracting - Area 3 11/13/24 Statewide
47705 H Job Order Contracting - Area 5 11/13/24 Statewide
47706 H Job Order Contracting - Area 6 11/13/24 Statewide
47707 H Job Order Contracting - Area 7 11/13/24 Statewide
47708 H Job Order Contracting - Area 8 11/13/24 Statewide
45382 B, C, E, H, P Renovate Building 8, 8th & 9th Floor 11/06/24 Albany
47538 C Provide Asphalt Paving & Improve Drainage 11/06/24 Ulster
45604 C, E, H, P Replace Expansion Joints, East & West Arterial Roadways 10/30/24 Albany
47331 C Rehabilitate the Eastern Approach Staircase, Promenades, Portico and Executive Ramp 10/30/24 Albany
Q1871 E, H Replace Domestic Hot W ater Heaters, Building 38 10/30/24 Greene
47291 C, E Provide Congregate Recreation Pens, SHU, Building 10 10/30/24 Oneida
47527 C Decommission Building 11 10/30/24 Queens
M3172 C, H Replace Roof, Building 101 10/23/24 Oneida
Q1912 E, H Replace Chiller, Building 732 10/23/24 Orange
47682 E Provide Electric Vehicle Charging Stations & Electrical Service Infrastructure – Central Region 10/16/24 Albany
44701 C, E, H Replace Heating System & Windows, Building 21-2 10/16/24 Dutchess
47623 E Provide Electric Vehicle Charging Stations & Electrical Service Infrastructure, South Region 10/16/24 Dutchess
47684 E Provide Electric Vehicle Charging Stations & & Electrical Service Infrastructure – West Region 10/16/24 Erie
47683 E Provide Electric Vehicle Charging Stations & 10/16/24 Washington
45694 C Provide Theatrical Lighting, Stage Rigging, Accessibility & Fire Protection Improvements 10/09/24 Albany
M3190 H Rehabilitate Heating System, Building 2 10/09/24 Dutchess
M3199 C Replace Roof, Work Control Office, Building No. 87 10/09/24 Livingston
47257 C, E, H Replace Floor Fan Coil Units, Building 60 10/09/24 Queens
45880 C Replace Windows, Building 118 10/09/24 Westchester
47346 C, E, H, P Provide Station Building, Saratoga 09/25/24 Saratoga
47228 C, E, H Provide Tunnel Ventilation & Waterproofing, Building 22 09/18/24 Albany
47615 C, E, H, U Rehabilitate Elevators, Building 22 09/18/24 Albany
47621 C, E, P Upgrade Electrical System 09/18/24 Broome
46205 C, E, H, P Rehabilitate Pharmacy, Building 9 09/11/24 Chemung
47424 C Provide On-Call Residence Suite, Building 102 09/11/24 New York
47599 C Repair Roof 09/11/24 Richmond
47595 C Replace Windows 08/28/24 Erie
Q1798 C Provide Sewer Line Replacement, Buildings 11A, 11B & 15 08/28/24 Oneida
M3120 C, E, H Replace Mess Hall Roof, Bldg 120 08/28/24 Orange
M3204 E, H Replace Boiler, Food Service, Building 73 08/28/24 Orleans
47402 C Expand Seed Laboratory, Room 309 08/14/24 Albany
47702 C Provide Abatement & Partial Demolition, East Bathhouse 08/14/24 Nassau
47439 C Replace Roof, Building 57 07/31/24 Queens
47471 C Rehabilitate Parking Lots, Campus Roads, & Underground Utilities 07/31/24 Rockland
46123 C, E, H, P Provide Elevator Addition & Modernize Existing Elevator 07/31/24 Schuyler
47403 C Rehabilitate Roadways 07/31/24 Suffolk
47080 C Rehabilitate Harwood Lake Dam 07/17/24 Cattaraugus
46202 C Remediate Exterior Envelope Conditions, Building 5 07/17/24 New York
Q1835 C Demolish Buildings 29, 31, 33, 72 & 73 07/17/24 Rockland
46038 C, E, H, P Selective Training Unaccompanied Housing Senior NCO & Officer 07/17/24 Westchester
47349 C Provide 5th Floor Conference Room 07/10/24 Albany
47597 C, P Replace Roof Drains & Repair Masonry 07/10/24 Erie
Q1817 P Repair Water Leak, Building 125, S Block 07/10/24 Oneida
47596 C Replace Roof, FMS, Building 16 07/03/24 Albany
47600 E Upgrade Electrical Service 07/03/24 Erie
47251 C Rehabilitate South Lake Dam 07/03/24 Greene
47166 C National Guard Readiness Center Addition / Alteration 07/03/24 New York
47513 C, E, H, P Rehabilitate Storage Space, Building 140 07/03/24 Washington
47658 C Replace Exterior Entrances 06/26/24 Delaware
46174 C, E Replace Roofs & Windows 06/26/24 Erie
47057 C Decommission Mirror Lake Dam 06/26/24 Herkimer
45046 C Correct Sanitary Sewer Lines 06/26/24 Livingston
47114 C Provide Video Teleconference Office Space, 16th Floor, A-Side, Building 102 06/26/24 New York
47258 C Rehabilitate Roofs, Building 75 06/26/24 Queens
47533 E, H Replace HVAC System, Administrative Areas 06/26/24 Saratoga
47130 C, E, H, P, U Upgrade Elevators, Buildings 81, 82, & 83 06/26/24 Suffolk
47410 C, E, P Provide Septic System, Building & Water Tank 06/26/24 Sullivan
Q1886 C Repair Roof, Buildings 84 & 87 06/26/24 Westchester
Q1844 C, E, H Provide Computer Forensic Laboratory Expansion, Building 22 06/18/24 Albany
47613 C Demolish Myer Building, Building No. 103 06/18/24 New York
47494 C Replace Roof 06/12/24 Clinton
47445 C Replace Roofs 06/12/24 Erie
M3189 C Demolish Buildings 8 & 9 06/12/24 Erie
47174 C, E, H, P Rehabilitate Restrooms & Janitor Closets 06/12/24 Jefferson
Q1903 C Provide Asphalt Paving & Site Improvements 06/12/24 Monroe
Q1879 E, H Repair/Replace Cooling System 06/12/24 Richmond
Q1927 C Provide Structural Repairs, Oil Pump Room 06/05/24 Albany
47602 C Provide Recreational Multi-Use Rail Trail, Floodwood to Tupper Lake 06/05/24 Essex
46180 C, E, H, P Provide Addition 06/05/24 Hamilton
45989 C, E, H Reconstruct Building Envelope & Associated Work, Building 4 06/05/24 New York
47075 C Rehabilitate Dam 06/05/24 Steuben
47520 C Remove Waterfall Features, Llenroc Wall 05/22/24 Albany
Q1867 E, H Reconfigure Circulation Pumps & DHW Heaters 05/22/24 Franklin
47096 C, E, H, P, U Rehabilitate Elevators, Buildings 19, 57, 58, 59 & 60 05/22/24 Rockland
47243 E Provide Generators, Buildings 703, 705, 900, 902 & 903 05/22/24 Suffolk
47457 C, E Provide Pedestrian Walkway & Pavement Restoration 05/15/24 Erie
47511 T Job Order Contracting – Area 1 & 2 05/15/24 Statewide
47581 C, H Job Order Contracting – Area 1 05/15/24 Statewide
47582 E, H, P Job Order Contracting – Area 2 05/15/24 Statewide
47587 C Job Order Contracting – Area 7 05/15/24 Statewide
46082 C, E Provide Office Renovations 05/15/24 Suffolk
45832 C, E, H, P, U Rehabilitate Elevators 05/08/24 Albany
47031 C, E Rehabilitate Catwalks, Buildings 4 & 7 05/08/24 Dutchess
Q1845 C Replace Roof, Main Garage 05/08/24 Ontario
47250 E, H Replace Mechanical Equipment, Penthouse, Building 80 05/08/24 Suffolk
44894 E Provide Fire Detection System 05/01/24 Albany
47512 C, E, H Provide Heated Sidewalk 05/01/24 Albany
46194 C, E, H, P Provide Station Building 05/01/24 Columbia
47149 C Replace Roof, Garage & Office 05/01/24 Dutchess
47247 E Replace Electrical Equipment, Buildings 819 & 842 05/01/24 Dutchess
47295 C Provide Masonry Repairs, Phase 2 05/01/24 New York
47338 C Provide Facility Storage Building 05/01/24 Queens
47204 C Replace Roof 04/17/24 Clinton
47300 P Replace Drinking Fountain Filtration Systems, Various ESP Buildings 04/10/24 Albany
M3180 C, E Replace Roof - Building 126 04/10/24 Westchester
Q1877 C Demolish & Reconstruct Stairs, Building 24 04/03/24 Albany
47329 C, H Repair Cooling Tower & Replace Roof 04/03/24 New York
47304 C, E, H, P Provide Horse Stables, Sheep Barn/ Wool Center 04/03/24 Onondaga
46124 E, H, P Replace HVAC System, Buildings 1 & 2 04/03/24 Schuyler
47478 C Replace Sidewalks & Curbing 04/03/24 Suffolk
Q1850 C Provide Landscape & Paving Improvements 04/03/24 Suffolk
47371 C Provide Masonry Repairs 03/27/24 Albany
47272 C, E Provide Congregate Recreation Pens, S - Block, Building 38 03/27/24 Cayuga
47076 C Rehabilitate Dam 03/27/24 Clinton
46110 C Provide Fall Protection, Cell Block Catwalks, A, B, C, D & G 03/27/24 Erie
M3168 E, H Replace Freezer & Various Condensing Units, Building 4 03/27/24 Westchester
46241 C Cuba Lake Dam Low Level Outlet Replacement 03/20/24 Allegany
47321 C, E Provide Salt Storage Buildings – Bainbridge & Horton 03/20/24 Delaware
47271 C, E Provide Congregate Recreation Pens, S - Block 03/20/24 Erie
47417 E Provide Network Connectivity, Officer Stations, Housing Units 03/20/24 Greene
47408 H Replace Chillers, Pumps & Controls 03/20/24 Suffolk
M3173 E, H Replace HVAC System, Farm Buildings 03/20/24 Sullivan
47284 C Cuba Lake Outlet Spillway Dam Improvements 03/13/24 Allegany
46109 C Install Fall Protection - Cell Block Catwalks ,Buildings, 8, 9 & 10 03/13/24 Dutchess
47203 C Replace Roof 03/06/24 Jefferson
Q1870 C Replace Roof, Salt Dome 03/06/24 Monroe
47141 C, E, H, P Replace Roof 03/06/24 Nassau
47323 C, E Provide Salt Storage Buildings – North Merrick 03/06/24 Nassau
Q1836 C Provide Asphalt Paving, Sonyea Training Facility 02/28/24 Livingston
Q1727 C Provide Secure Corridor Ceilings, Replace Damaged Doors & Hardware, Building 55 02/28/24 Queens
46063 C, E, H, P Provide 8 Bay Maintenance Subheadquarters 02/14/24 Broome
47384 C Replace Window Shades 02/07/24 Broome
47319 C, E Provide Salt Storage Buildings, Horsehead & Watkins Glen 02/07/24 Chemung
45390 E Upgrade Generator & Switchgear 02/07/24 Oneida
47209 C, E, P Provide Concrete Repairs 01/31/24 Albany
47327 C Replace Window Shades, Building 5 01/31/24 Albany
47448 E, H Provide Backup Power System 01/31/24 Albany
45881 E Provide In-Cell TV/Radio System, Buildings 2, 7, 8, 9, 10 & 15 01/31/24 Dutchess
M3186 C, E, P Mitigate Water Infiltration & Provide Repairs, Building 22 01/31/24 Oneida
47142 C, E, H, P Renovate Rest Areas - Unadilla & East Worcester DOT - Region 9 Otsego County’ 01/31/24 Otsego
47360 E, H Upgrade Heating System 01/24/24 Greene
47430 E, H Replace Building Chillers, Building 144 01/24/24 Rockland
Q1846 C Repave Parking Lots & Connecting Roadway 01/17/24 Chemung
47036 C Exterior Envelope Improvements, Building 106 01/17/24 New York
47470 H Provide Heating & Air Conditioning, Milstein Bridge, Building 5 01/17/24 New York
47406 C, E, H Provide Modifications, SOEK Storage Facility 01/17/24 Washington
47356 E Upgrade Septic System 01/10/24 Cattaraugus
47213 H Replace Heating System, Buildings 2, 3, 4 & 5 01/10/24 Oneida
46190 E, H Provide Facility-Wide CCTV/Audio System & Civilian Personal Alarm System 01/10/24 Westchester
47315 C Provide Snow Guards, Roof Repairs and Masonry Repointing 12/20/23 Albany
47400 B Asbestos Abatement 12/20/23 Albany
Q1899 C, E, H, P Replace Concession Stand 12/20/23 Onondaga
47267 C, E Provide Congregate Recreation Pens, S - Block, Building 34 12/20/23 Orleans
M3141 C Replace Roof, Building 9 12/13/23 Dutchess
46246 C Provide Facility-Wide CCTV/Audio Monitoring System & Civilian Personal Alarm System 12/13/23 Orleans
47391 C, E, H, P Replace Elevator 12/13/23 Otsego
47269 C, E Provide Congregate Recreation Pens, S - Block, Building 28 12/06/23 St Lawrence
46246 E, H Provide Facility-Wide CCTV/Audio Monitoring System & Civilian Personal Alarm System 11/29/23 Orleans
47530 C Masonry Repairs & Maintenance 11/15/23 Albany
M3193 C Replace Roof, Building 12 11/15/23 Greene
46181 C, E, H, U Rehabilitate 8 Passenger & 1 Freight Elevator 11/15/23 New York
M3184 C Repair Roof 11/15/23 Ontario
47378 E Replace Lighting & Controls 11/15/23 Schenectady
47202 C, E Replace Sewer Manholes & Provide Pump Station Upgrades 11/15/23 Ulster
M3162 C Provide Pump Station 11/08/23 Kings
47275 E, H Replace Boilers, Buildings 29 & 31 & Provide HVAC/Plumbing Modifications, Buildings 69 & 90 11/08/23 Monroe
47101 C Replace Roofs, Building 19 11/08/23 Orleans
47266 C, E Provide Congregate Recreation Pens, Buildings 8, 10 & 11 10/25/23 Franklin
M3143 E Modernization of Elevators 6,9 & 11, Industry Buildings 12, 15 & 16 10/18/23 Cayuga
47425 C Replace Walk-In Coolers & Freezer, Building 80 10/18/23 Suffolk
46191 C, E, H Provide CCTV & Civilian Personal Alarm System 10/18/23 Westchester
47474 E Provide Replacement Data Center Uninterruptible Power Supplies 10/18/23 Westchester
47316 H Replace PRV Valves and Strainers 09/27/23 Albany
M3143 C, H, P, U Modernization of Elevators 6,9 & 11, Industry Buildings 12, 15 & 16 09/27/23 Cayuga
Q1849 C Demolish Buildings 42 & 43 09/27/23 Suffolk
47405 H Replace Steam & Condensate Direct-Bury Piping 09/13/23 Albany
47035 C Construct Civil Admissions Suite, Building 102 09/13/23 New York
47152 C Rehabilitate Code Deficiencies, Building 73 09/13/23 Queens
47009 E, H Replace Heat Exchangers, Units 1, 2, 4-19 09/13/23 St Lawrence
47193 H Provide Ventilation System 09/13/23 Tioga
45884 E Provide Fire Alarm System 08/23/23 Albany
45974 E Replace Fire Alarm System, Building 22 08/23/23 Albany
46145 C Rehabilitate Playground Area 08/23/23 Jefferson
47245 C, E, H Replace Roof & HVAC Equipment, Building 706 08/23/23 Suffolk
Q1842 C Replace Roof & Siding, Building 59 08/16/23 Chemung
47175 C, E, H, P, U Replace Elevators 1 - 5 08/16/23 Jefferson
46037 E Generator and Fuel Tank Replacement 08/16/23 Kings
M3110 C Sub-basement Moisture Mitigation, Buildings No. 102 & 106 08/16/23 New York
47435 H Rehabilitate 2nd & 3rd Floor Latrines & Locker Rooms 08/02/23 Erie
M3188 U Repair Elevators, Buildings 8, 9 & 11 08/02/23 Franklin
47215 C Replace Windows 08/02/23 Oneida
47317 C Rehabilitate Building Envelope, Building 55, Phase 2 08/02/23 Queens
47459 C Repair Building Foundation, Correct Site Drainage & Replace ADA Ramp 07/26/23 Fulton
47341 C, E, H, P Provide Addition & Building Renovations 07/26/23 Niagara
47458 C, E, H, P Renovate Latrines & Female Locker Room 07/19/23 Chemung
47435 C, E, P Rehabilitate 2nd & 3rd Floor Latrines & Locker Rooms 07/19/23 Erie
47453 E Provide Electric Vehicle Charging Stations & Electrical Service Infrastructure, NYS West 07/19/23 Erie
M3188 E, H Repair Elevators, Buildings 8, 9 & 11 07/19/23 Franklin
47492 C Provide Lead Mitigation, Firing Range 07/19/23 Westchester
47534 C, E Rehabilitate Parking Areas & Stormwater 07/19/23 Westchester
47493 C Provide Lead Mitigation, Firing Range 07/12/23 Chautauqua
47342 E Provide Fire Alarm System, FMS #1 07/12/23 Erie
47495 C Provide Lead Mitigation, Firing Range 07/12/23 Erie
46020 C, E, H Replace Roofs, Buildings 1 & 20 07/12/23 Essex
Q1860 C, E, H Provide Computer Lab 07/12/23 Ulster
47456 C Demolish Building 120, Ammunition Bunker 07/12/23 Westchester
47555 E Provide Electric Vehicle Charging Stations & Electrical Service Infrastructure, NYS Central 07/07/23 Broome
47554 E Provide Electric Vehicle Charging Stations & Electrical Service Infrastructure , NYS East 07/07/23 Schenectady
47454 E Provide Electric Vehicle Charging Stations & Electrical Service Infrastructure Metro Region 07/07/23 Suffolk
47452 E, H Replace Chiller & Cooling Tower, Headquarters Building 06/28/23 Albany
47496 C Provide Lead Mitigation, Firing Range 06/28/23 Chautauqua
47313 C Provide Improvements Dam and Locks 06/28/23 Franklin
46096 C, E Upgrade Security System, Storefront & Doors 06/28/23 Onondaga
47352 C, E, H, P Rehabilitate Locker Rooms & Latrines 06/28/23 Queens
Q1840 H Inspect & Repair Fuel Tank #1 & 2, Powerhouse 06/21/23 Dutchess
47450 C Repair/Replace Pavement 06/21/23 Richmond
47436 E, H Provide HVAC & Energy Efficiency Improvements 06/21/23 Saratoga
46053 C, E, H, P Rehabilitate Nurses Station, Building 81 & 82 06/21/23 Suffolk
Q1833 E, H Replace HVAC System, Building 502 06/21/23 Westchester
47322 C, E Provide Salt Storage Building 06/14/23 Dutchess
M3169 E Repair Entrances / Exits Buildings 1, 2 & 4 06/14/23 Oneida
47242 C, E Replace Handicap Ramp, Buildings 19 & 20 06/14/23 Suffolk
47192 C Repair Underground Infrastructure 06/07/23 Albany
47034 C Provide Walk-In Freezer, Building 106 06/07/23 New York
M3169 C, H, P Repair Entrances / Exits Buildings 1, 2 & 4 06/07/23 Oneida
47190 C, E Provide Salt Storage Building 06/07/23 Onondaga
45220 C, E Repair Perimeter Wall 05/24/23 Washington
M3156 E, H Replace Piping & Provide Access to Tunnel 05/24/23 Westchester
47379 C Provide Above Ground Hot Water System, Boiler & Controls 05/17/23 Clinton
47208 E, H Replace Heating System, Office & Garage 05/17/23 Dutchess
47236 E, P Replace Grease Trap & Piping, Building 144 05/17/23 Rockland
47244 H Replace HVAC System, Building 26 05/17/23 Suffolk
47350 C Replace Upper Stable Roof Surfaces 05/17/23 Westchester
44855 C Provide New Vehicle Bridge, Control Tower and Demo Existing Bridge 05/10/23 Westchester
45957 C, E, H, P Renovate 41st Floor 05/03/23 Albany
47359 C Replace Roofs 05/03/23 Rensselaer
47332 C Replace Penthouse Roof, Building 22 04/26/23 Albany
47320 C, E Provide Salt Storage Buildings – Port Jefferson & Sunnyside (Plainview) 04/26/23 Nassau
Q1864 H Replace HVAC Units, Buildings 503 and 501 04/26/23 Westchester
45673 C Repair Leaks, 7th & 9th Floor Terraces 04/19/23 Albany
47335 C, E Provide Salt Storage Building 04/19/23 Greene
47311 C Repair Stair Towers, Building 40 04/19/23 Queens
47205 E, H Repair / Replace Chiller 04/19/23 Tompkins
47262 C, E Rehabilitate Roads & Sidewalks, South Campus, Phase 4, Buildings 67, 68, 74, & 100 04/12/23 Queens
Q1823 C Replace Sidewalks, Buildings 1-9 04/05/23 Chemung
Q1771 C Decommission Wastewater Treatment Plant 04/05/23 Dutchess
47318 C, E Provide Salt Storage 04/05/23 Erie
47088 C, E, H Provide Plaza Deck Waterproofing, Resurfacing & Landscaping 04/05/23 New York
46095 C, E, P Provide Structural Repairs 03/29/23 Albany
47256 C, H Replace Roofs 03/29/23 Broome
45999 E Rehabilitate Electrical System, A, B, C & D Blocks 03/29/23 Clinton
47379 E, H Provide Above Ground Hot Water System, Boiler & Controls 03/29/23 Clinton
M3181 C Provide Structural Repairs, Basement & Sub-Basement 03/29/23 Kings
Q1853 C Replace Floors & Install Equipment, Phase 2, Food Production Facility, Building No. 144 03/29/23 Rockland
45180 C, E, H Replace Windows, Building 9 03/29/23 Washington
M3178 C, E Replace Roll-Up Doors for Truck Access 03/22/23 Dutchess
47476 C Provide Recreational Multi-Use Rail Trail, Saranac Lake to Floodwood 03/22/23 Essex
46059 E Upgrade Electrical System, Building 80 03/22/23 Suffolk
47336 C, E Provide Salt Storage Building 03/22/23 Wyoming
Q1829 C Provide Security Screens, Building 15 03/08/23 Dutchess
M3149 C Replace Ceilings, Cell Building 1, 2 ,3 & 35 03/08/23 Greene
47289 C Provide Toilet Facilities Patient Recreation Yard 'C' 03/08/23 New York
Q1832 C Provide Power Assisted Doors, Building 55 03/08/23 Queens
M3145 C, E, H Replace Roof, Building No. 99 03/01/23 Chemung
47274 C, E Rehabilitate Outdoor Ball Courts 03/01/23 Columbia
Q1852 H Replace Boiler & Heating System, BuildingNo. 68 03/01/23 Queens
45934 C Provide Storage Structure, Building 38 02/22/23 Bronx
Q1818 C, E Provide Standby Emergency Generator 02/22/23 Hamilton
M3164 C, E, H, U Rehabilitate Elevator, Building 938 02/22/23 Washington
44825 C, E, P Provide Water Tower & Meter Building 02/15/23 Oneida
47140 C, E, H Replace Roof 02/15/23 Ontario
47045 C, E, H Replace Induction Units, Building 80 02/15/23 Suffolk
47216 H Rehabilitate 5th Floor 02/08/23 Albany
M3155 C Repair Façade, Building No. 3 02/08/23 Cayuga
46100 C Provide Brick Repair, Stair Tower 1, Building 102 02/08/23 New York
47303 C, E Provide Utility & Landscape Improvements, Cheyenne Street Re-Development. 02/08/23 Onondaga
47191 C Rehabilitate Parking Garage 01/25/23 Jefferson
M3185 E, H Replace Air Handling Unit, Building 14 01/25/23 Onondaga
47466 C Remove Perimeter Fence Security Coil 01/25/23 Saratoga
47469 C Remove Perimeter Fence Security Coil 01/25/23 Seneca
47467 C Remove Perimeter Fence Security Coil 01/25/23 St Lawrence
47216 C, E, P Rehabilitate 5th Floor 01/18/23 Albany
44830 E Replace Existing Fire Alarm System 01/18/23 Oneida
46177 P Provide Sign Shop 01/18/23 Washington
47361 E Job Order Contracting – Area 1 01/11/23 Statewide
47363 E Job Order Contracting – Area 3 01/11/23 Statewide
47365 P Job Order Contracting – Area 5 01/11/23 Statewide
47367 P Job Order Contracting – Area 7 01/11/23 Statewide
47368 C Job Order Contracting – Area 8 01/11/23 Statewide
47200 C Rehabilitate Driveway, Parking Areas & Curbs 01/04/23 Essex
47339 C, E Replace Roof, Salt Building 12/21/22 Niagara
47063 C, E, H, P Provide Vehicle Maintenance Shop 12/21/22 Rensselaer
46177 C, E, H Provide Sign Shop 12/21/22 Washington
46065 C Flood Wall Repairs 12/14/22 Broome
46247 C Rehabilitate Elevator, Building 3 12/14/22 New York
47042 E, H Modify Boiler Controls 12/07/22 Albany
47074 C Replace Waterproofing Structural Deck & Replace Sidewallks, North Side 12/07/22 Broome
M3171 H Replace Fire Dampers & Actuators, Building 99 12/07/22 Chemung
46087 C, E, H, P Control Room Expansion & Security Upgrades 12/07/22 Columbia
M3124 C, E, H Repair Roof Leaks, Buildings 15 & 59 / Rehabilitate J Block 12/07/22 Dutchess
Q1822 C, E, H Remove / Replace Fuel Oil Tank 11/30/22 Sullivan
45968 H Replace Pumps, Heat Exchangers & Domestic Water Chiller 11/16/22 Albany
46120 C, E Pave Front Parking Lot & Northwest Gravel Lot 11/16/22 Suffolk
47197 E, H Provide Air Conditioning, Gymnasium, Building 13 11/02/22 Albany
47415 C Properly Plug & Restore Abandoned Gas Well Sites - Southern Tier Region 11/02/22 Chemung
47413 C Properly Plug & Restore Abandoned Gas Well Sites Western Region 11/02/22 Erie
47414 C Properly Plug & Restore Abandoned Gas Well Sites - Finger Lakes and Central NY Region 11/02/22 Monroe
46199 C Provide Masonry Repairs, Boiler Exhaust Stacks 10/26/22 Albany
Q1795 E Replace Emergency Generator 10/19/22 Erie
M3170 H Replace Underground Steam & Condensate, Buildings 2 & 5 10/19/22 Orleans
M3112 C Replace Roofs Buildings. 2, 4, 5 & 9 09/21/22 Cayuga
47069 C, E, H, P Todd Hill Restroom Addition 09/21/22 Dutchess
46242 C, E Replace Roofs, Bldgs 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 29, 32, 33 and Entrance Bldg 11 09/21/22 Jefferson
M3179 C Rehabilitate Building 38 09/21/22 Kings
47278 C Provide Construction Work & Glass Replacement 09/14/22 Albany
47099 C Provide Addition 09/14/22 Madison
45589 C Tidal Wetland Restoration Demonstration Project 09/14/22 Suffolk
45631 C, E, P Mitigate Water Infiltration & Provide Repairs 08/31/22 Albany
M3135 C Abate ACM, Basement, Building 1 08/31/22 Cayuga
47047 C Fuel Tank Modification & Environmental Remediation - Northern Region 08/31/22 Statewide
47048 C Fuel Tank Modification & Environmental Remediation - Southern Region 08/31/22 Statewide
47049 C Fuel Tank Modification & Environmental Remediation - Central Region 08/31/22 Statewide
47050 C Fuel Tank Modification & Environmental Remediation - Western Region 08/31/22 Statewide
46231 C Provide Facility-Wide CCTV/Audio Monitoring System 08/31/22 Ulster
Q1825 C, E, H, P Provide Facility Closure 08/24/22 Chemung
Q1824 C, E, H, P Provide Facility Closure 08/24/22 Dutchess
45599 C Rehabilitate Bog River Dam 08/24/22 St Lawrence
46092 H Provide Exhaust Fan & Relocate Steam/Chilled Water Equipment, Building 6 08/17/22 Albany
47099 E, H, P Provide Addition 08/17/22 Madison
Q1826 C, E, H, P Provide Facility Closure 08/17/22 Seneca
47109 H Provide HVAC Repairs, Building 500 08/17/22 Westchester
47179 C, E, H, P Rehabilitate Restrooms, Building 819 08/10/22 Dutchess
M3136 E Replace Feeder, Recreation Yard 08/10/22 Oneida
Q1828 C Provide Masonry Repairs 07/27/22 Cattaraugus
46231 E, H Provide Facility-Wide CCTV/Audio Monitoring System 07/27/22 Ulster
M3161 E, H Retube Boilers 1, 2, 3 & Replace Boiler 4 07/20/22 Dutchess
47187 E Upgrade Electrical Switchgear 07/20/22 Erie
47184 C, E, H, P Rehabilitate Restrooms 07/20/22 Livingston
46160 C Provide Masonry Repairs 07/20/22 Rockland
47182 C Replace Windows & Roofs G, J, C & E 07/13/22 Broome
46044 C Replace Windows and Doors 07/13/22 Chautauqua
47103 C Renovate Nurse Station, Clinical Areas & Shower Rooms, Building 40 07/13/22 Queens
47106 C Provide Arms Vault 07/13/22 Queens
M3176 C Replace Secure Ceilings, Units 5, 6, 7, 9 & 10 07/06/22 Columbia
47186 C, E, H, P Rehabilitate Restrooms & Locker Rooms 07/06/22 Rockland
47214 C, E, H Provide System Upgrades, Saratoga Military Museum 07/06/22 Saratoga
45260 C, E, H, P Provide Restroom and Locker Room Addition Maintenance, Headquarters 07/06/22 Schuyler
46162 C Provide Masonry Repair & Repointing 07/06/22 Ulster
47107 C, E, H, P Provide Latrines & Locker Rooms 07/06/22 Westchester
M3151 C Masonry & Roof Replacement, Building No. 15, Gym 06/29/22 Dutchess
Q1765 C, E, P Provide Water Plant Improvements 06/29/22 Dutchess
47123 C Provide Freezer Farms, Buildings 4 & 5 06/29/22 New York
46097 E Rehab/Replace Fire Alarm System 06/29/22 Onondaga
46169 C Replace Windows & Doors Combined Service Maintenance Shop B & Annex Building 06/29/22 Richmond
46166 E, H Replace Boilers & Accessories 06/29/22 Westchester
46215 E, H Replace Steam Boilers & Ancillary Equipment 06/29/22 Westchester
M3144 C Replace Roof, Gym, Building 55 06/29/22 Westchester
45976 E, P Provide Emergency Generator, Building 18 06/15/22 Albany
47067 C Replace Roof 06/15/22 Delaware
45525 C Provide Recreational Multi-use Rail Trail Lake Placid to Saranac Lake 06/15/22 Essex
46139 C Provide Brick Replacement & Repointing 06/15/22 Niagara
45983 C Provide Building Façade Access Equipment 06/08/22 Albany
47145 C Remove Chimney 06/08/22 Albany
47110 C Repair Roofs, A, B & B1, Saratoga Military Museum 06/08/22 Saratoga
44991 C Provide Standby Generator Building 06/08/22 Ulster
46227 C, E, H, P Rehabilitate Office & Building Entrance 06/01/22 Albany
46118 C, E Provide Salt Storage Building 05/25/22 Columbia
Q1821 B Provide Hazardous Material Abatement 05/25/22 Kings
47098 E, H Upgrade Heating & Cooling Systems 05/25/22 Oneida
Q1800 C Demolish Building 79 05/25/22 Queens
47002 E Provide Ligature Resistant Lights, Patient Bedroom & Bathrooms, Buildings 58, 60 05/25/22 Rockland
47231 P Job Order Contracting – Area 1 05/18/22 Statewide
47232 C, H Job Order Contracting – Area 2 05/18/22 Statewide
47235 C Job Order Contracting – Area 5 05/18/22 Statewide
47237 T Job Order Contracting – Area 7 & 8 05/18/22 Statewide
46030 C Provide Storm Drain Improvements, Building 878 05/11/22 Dutchess
M3152 C, P Repair Cell Backs & Replace Fixtures, Various Buildings 05/11/22 Erie
46213 C, E Replace EPDM Roof, Building 1 05/11/22 Oneida
45872 C, E, H, P Provide Forensic Identification Unit & Additions 04/27/22 Genesee
47060 C Rehabilitate Daycare 04/27/22 Kings
44991 E, H Provide Standby Generator Building 04/27/22 Ulster
45152 C Replace Roofs, Buildings 1, 2, 4 & 110B 04/27/22 Westchester
46021 C Replace Patio Roofs, Building 1 04/13/22 Albany
46040 C, E, H, P Provide Sub-HQ & Loader Storage, Bldg 4 04/13/22 Columbia
M3104 C Rehabilitate Buildings Deteriorating Surfaces 04/13/22 Erie
47102 C, E Provide Salt Storage Building- Cranberry Lake 04/13/22 St Lawrence
45583 C, E, H Replace Switchgear 04/06/22 Albany
45724 P Drainage and Fill Systems Improvements, Plaza Reflecting Pools 04/06/22 Albany
47124 C, E Provide Salt Storage Building 04/06/22 Chenango
47095 C, E Provide Salt Storage Buildings - Tonawanda & Hamburg 04/06/22 Erie
47144 C Replace EPDM Roof System 04/06/22 Jefferson
47083 E Provide Standby Generator & Fuel Storage Tank 04/06/22 Kings
47094 C, E Provide Salt Storage Buildings - Warsaw & East Rochester 04/06/22 Wyoming
47104 C, E, H, P Rehabilitate Latrines & Locker Rooms 03/16/22 Cattaraugus
47039 C, E Provide Salt Storage Buildings –Polkville & Dewitt 03/16/22 Cortland
47079 C Provide Generator Radiator Shroud 03/16/22 Dutchess
45400 E Provide Cabling System 03/16/22 Westchester
45863 E Replace Electrical System, Building 31 03/16/22 Westchester
47108 C, E Provide Salt Storage Building 03/16/22 Westchester
45603 C Waterproof Plaza Planter 03/02/22 Albany
45723 H Replace Roof, Center Courtyard, Main Floor 03/02/22 Albany
46070 C Provide Additional Parking, Building 24 03/02/22 Albany
47033 C Replace Lower Roofs, Building 7A 03/02/22 Albany
47126 H Repair Underground Direct Bury System, Condensate, & Chilled Water Piping 03/02/22 Albany
Q1805 C, E, P Provide Bar Screen, Building 23 03/02/22 Cayuga
46048 E, H Install Above Ground Heating System & Replace 03/02/22 Chautauqua
M3126 C, E, H, P Repair/Replace Leaking Sanitary Line, Building 81 03/02/22 Westchester
46114 C Rehabilitate Parking Lot 02/16/22 Albany
46239 C Rehabilitate / Restore Memorial 02/16/22 New York
46000 E, H Replace Generator 02/16/22 Steuben
46057 C, H Remove & Replace Roof, Building 21 02/09/22 Albany
Q1814 C, E Provide Generator, Building 72 02/09/22 Erie
47151 H Improve Dehumidification System 02/09/22 Nassau
47085 C, E Replace Salt Storage Building – Rome 02/09/22 Oneida
46050 E, H Replace Hot Water Lines to Orleans CF 02/09/22 Orleans
47238 C Replace Lower Roof, Main Building 02/09/22 Queens
Q1759 C Provide ADA Restroom, Building 8 02/09/22 Westchester
M3146 C Repair / Stabilize Various Buildings 01/26/22 Columbia
45248 C, E, H, P Provide Training Academy Firing Range and Training Building 01/26/22 Greene
46099 E, H Remove/Replace Boilers & Associated Infrastructure 01/26/22 Oneida
45723 C, E Replace Roof, Center Courtyard, Main Floor 01/12/22 Albany
47070 E, H Upgrade Heating System 01/12/22 Chautauqua
45951 C, E, H, N Provide Security Ceilings, Buildings 4, 6, 7 & 8 01/12/22 Chemung
45837 C, E, H, P Provide Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements, Building 92 01/12/22 Westchester
45862 C Repair Concrete, Perimeter Wall 01/12/22 Westchester
47052 C Repair / Replace Exterior Tiles 01/05/22 Albany
45190 C Repair Roofs, Buildings 93, 94, 95 & 96 01/05/22 Livingston
46067 H Replace Heating System 01/05/22 Suffolk
Q1819 C Rehabilitate Storm Drain 01/05/22 Suffolk
46230 E, H Provide Facility-Wide CCTV/Audio Monitoring System 01/05/22 Sullivan
45158 C, E Replace Cell Doors, Gears & Motors 01/05/22 Westchester
47125 E Replace Standby Generators 12/22/21 Livingston
45623 C, E, H, P, U Rehabilitate Elevators, Buildings 4 & 5 12/22/21 New York
M3140 E Repair / Replace Switchgear, Heating Plant 12/22/21 Westchester
45488 C, E, H, P Construct Building Addition Maintenance Headquarters 12/15/21 Chautauqua
45871 C Demolish Buildings & Provide Site Improvements 12/15/21 Delaware
46216 H Replace Boiler & Equipment 12/15/21 New York
46074 C, E, H, P Provide Concession Stands 12/15/21 Onondaga
45597 C Construct Canopies, Exterior Stairways and Renovate Loading Docks, Buildings 57-60 12/15/21 Rockland
47181 T Job Order Contracting – Area 1 & 2 12/15/21 Statewide
47183 T Job Order Contracting – Area 3 & 4 12/15/21 Statewide
47185 T Job Order Contracting – Area 5 & 6 12/15/21 Statewide
47068 C Masonry Repairs and Maintenance 12/01/21 Albany
45552 C, E, H, P Provide Sub-Headquarters Building 12/01/21 Dutchess
46031 C Replace Windows, Building 18 12/01/21 Queens
47005 C Rehabilitate Roadway, Sidewalk & Parking Lot, Building 57 12/01/21 Rockland
46061 E Relocate Building 131 Transformer & Add Secondary Feeder, Buildings 5, 120 & 131 12/01/21 Suffolk
45401 C, E, H, P Rehabilitate Towers 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 & 18 12/01/21 Westchester
M3097 C, E, H, P Rehabilitate Kitchen Floor, Building 3 11/17/21 Dutchess
47003 C Replace Sidewalks & Signage, Buildings 17, 57, 58 & 60 11/17/21 Rockland
M3132 C, E Replace Rear Gate Vehicle Compound 11/03/21 Dutchess
M3158 H Replace Domestic Water Heaters 11/03/21 New York
46058 E, H Replace HVAC & Electric Equipment 11/03/21 Tompkins
45858 C, E, H, P Rehabilitate Cell Blocks C & D, Building 2 11/03/21 Washington
46220 C, E, H, P Rehabilitate Armory & Storage Building 10/20/21 Bronx
Q1783 C, E, H Install 20K Gallon Fuel Oil Tank, Reconfigure Containment System, Remove 4 Fuel Tanks 10/20/21 Oneida
45813 C, E, H, P Provide Sleep Lab, Building 35 10/20/21 Rockland
46060 E Provide Emergency Generator, Buildings 45, 47 & 56 10/20/21 Suffolk
44982 E, H Provide Facility Direct Digital Control Energy Management System 10/06/21 St Lawrence
M3134 C, E, P Replace Quarry Tile Floor, Kitchen & Dishwash Area, Building 12 10/06/21 St Lawrence
Q1793 C Repair & Provide Recreational Courts 10/06/21 Tompkins
M3087 C, E, H, U Replace Freight Elevator, Building 12 10/06/21 Ulster
M3138 C, E, H, P, U Repair Elevator, Building 14 09/22/21 Clinton
M3096 C, P Rehabilitate Various Cottage Bathrooms 09/22/21 Columbia
46034 C Renovate Interior Floors and Doors, Building 819 09/22/21 Dutchess
45064 E Replace Existing Fire Alarm System 09/01/21 Dutchess
M3137 E, H Replace Air Handlers / HVAC System, Building 12 09/01/21 Oneida
47133 C, P Job Order Contracting - Area 3 09/01/21 Statewide
47134 C, E, H, P Job Order Contracting - Area 4 09/01/21 Statewide
47135 E Job Order Contracting - Area 5 09/01/21 Statewide
47136 C, E Job Order Contracting - Area 6 09/01/21 Statewide
47137 E Job Order Contracting - Area 7 09/01/21 Statewide
47138 P Job Order Contracting - Area 8 09/01/21 Statewide
47139 C, E, H, P Construct SOEK Storage Facility 09/01/21 Washington
M3154 H Replace Hot Water Heating Pump 08/11/21 Cayuga
M3130 H Repair / Replace Valves, Pipes & Appurtenances, Buildings 2 & 9 08/11/21 Dutchess
47086 C Rehabilitate Floors 11 & 12 08/11/21 Kings
47008 C Replace Water Pumps & Control System 08/11/21 New York
Q1815 C Provide Hazardous Material Abatement, Buildings 39 & 77 07/28/21 Oneida
47113 H Job Order Contracting - Area 3 07/28/21 Statewide
47115 H Job Order Contracting - Area 5 07/28/21 Statewide
47116 H, P Job Order Contracting - Area 6 07/28/21 Statewide
47117 H Job Order Contracting - Area 7 07/28/21 Statewide
47118 H Job Order Contracting - Area 8 07/28/21 Statewide
Q1790 C Provide Fall Levee Protection 07/21/21 Broome
Q1781 N Provide Fire Sprinkler Building No. 9 & Power Plant Building No. 1 07/21/21 Chemung
45218 C Replace Windows, Building 58 07/21/21 Columbia
45919 C, E Provide Municipal Sewer Connections 07/21/21 Dutchess
M3148 H Replace AC Condensing Units, Building 27 07/21/21 Oneida
46203 C RehabilitateWalk-In Refrigerators & Freezers, Building 41 07/21/21 Queens
46089 E Replace Emergency Generators & Automatic Transfer Switches, Bldgs 20, 26, 72, 101, 702 & Portable 07/14/21 Suffolk
45984 C Repair Masonry & Replace Doors and Windows 07/14/21 Westchester
46187 E Provide Electrical Distribution Upgrades 07/14/21 Westchester
47105 C, E, H, P Rehabilitate 2nd Floor, Admin Area 07/14/21 Westchester
45935 E, H Replace Cooling Loop Piping, Buildings 1 - 9 06/30/21 Chemung
46068 C Remove & Replace Water Storage Tank 06/30/21 Queens
45818 C, E, P Replace Toilets and Flushometers, Buildings 3 & 4 and Upgrade Wiring Building 3” 06/30/21 Ulster
45557 C, E, H, P Provide Laundry Room & Day Room, Building 505 06/30/21 Westchester
47054 C, E Provide Water Treatment System 06/30/21 Westchester
46062 C, E, H, P Provide Station Building 06/16/21 Chautauqua
45622 C Provide Lobby & Security Office Renovations, Building 40 06/16/21 Queens
46125 C, E Provide Parking Lot 06/16/21 Rensselaer
46193 C, E, H, P Provide Station Building 06/09/21 Oswego
M3160 C, E, H, P Provide Facility Closure 05/26/21 Erie
M3159 C, E, H, P Provide Facility Closure 05/26/21 Jefferson
46083 E, H Upgrade Controls & Heating System 05/26/21 Oneida
M3125 C, E, H Replace Gym Roof, Building 45 05/26/21 Sullivan
Q1811 C Replace Roof 05/19/21 Ulster
46023 H Remove / Replace Boilers Stacks, Building 72 05/19/21 Wyoming
46232 C Rehabilitate Restrooms 05/12/21 Ontario
45982 C Repair Masonry & Replace Windows / Doors 05/12/21 Queens
47081 E Replace Standby Generator 05/12/21 Suffolk
46051 C Provide Masonry Restoration 04/21/21 Erie
45245 C, E Rehabilitate North Side Elevators, 1st Floor 04/21/21 Oneida
45717 C Rehabilitate Dam 04/21/21 Oneida
46080 C, E Provide RMHU Sewage Pump Station 04/21/21 Oneida
Q1786 C Provide Asphalt Pavement and Drainage 04/21/21 Suffolk
47022 C Rehabilitate Roadway, McCoy Road 04/21/21 Westchester
47044 C Repave Roadway, Building 1 03/31/21 Albany
45920 C Repair of Conduits, EJV, Whitney Point, Lisle, Broom County, Various Locations, Region 7 03/31/21 Broome
46235 E Replace Generator & Provide LED Lighting 03/31/21 Cayuga
46135 C, E, H, P Provide Classrooms - Building 6 & Office Addition, Building 50, Residential Rehabilitation Unit 03/31/21 Chemung
45933 C, E, P Replace Building Insulation in Truck Garage 03/31/21 Otsego
46006 C Replace Windows 03/31/21 Tompkins
45849 C, E, H Provide Facility-wide CCTV/Audio Monitoring System & Provide Recording Room 03/24/21 Erie
45992 C Replace Cooler 03/24/21 Oneida
47001 H Replace Chiller, Building 100 03/24/21 Queens
45964 C, E, H Replace Fuel Oil Tanks & Modify Boiler Controls 03/17/21 Chemung
46094 C, E Provide 3000 Ton Salt Building 03/17/21 Onondaga
47021 C Provide Salt Storage Buildings 03/17/21 Ontario
Q1803 C, E, H Rehabilitate Tank Containment Infrastructure 03/17/21 Sullivan
45855 E, H Provide AC Condensing System, Mess Hall, Building 4 03/10/21 Greene
45820 C Provide Security System, Building 39 03/10/21 Oneida
45061 C Replace Doors & Hardware, Building 75 02/24/21 Broome
47038 C, E Provide Salt Storage Building 02/24/21 Cattaraugus
47029 C, E Provide Salt Storage Buildings 02/24/21 Cayuga
46078 C Provide Salt Storage Buildings Riceville, Fultonville & Johnstown 02/24/21 Fulton
47030 C, E Provide Salt Storage Buildings 02/24/21 Orange
47021 E Provide Salt Storage Buildings 02/17/21 Ontario
45676 E, H Provide Aboveground Hot Water Heating Lines and Domestic Water Heaters 02/10/21 Clinton
47019 C, E Provide Salt Storage Buildings 02/10/21 Clinton
47020 C, E Provide Salt Storage Buildings 02/10/21 Madison
45649 C, E, H, P Provide Forensic Identification Unit Building & Headquarters Building Addition/Renovations 02/03/21 Dutchess
46117 C, E Provide Salt Storage Building 02/03/21 Putnam
47018 C, E Provide Salt Storage Buildings 02/03/21 Tioga
46078 E Provide Salt Storage Buildings Riceville, Fultonville & Johnstown 01/27/21 Fulton
46019 E, H Replace Hot Water Heat Exchangers, Buildings 1, 2, 4-19, 23 & 29 01/27/21 St Lawrence
46116 C, E Provide Salt Storage Buildings 01/27/21 Sullivan
45955 C Floodwall Repairs, Ellenville 01/27/21 Ulster
45901 C Demolish Building 01/27/21 Westchester
45847 C, E, H Provide Recording Room and facility wide CCTV / Audio and Civilian Personal Alarm System 01/06/21 Dutchess
M3150 H Replace Chiller 01/06/21 New York
47071 C, H Job Order Contracting - Area 1 01/06/21 Statewide
47072 E, P Job Order Contracting - Area 2 01/06/21 Statewide
47077 C Job Order Contracting – Area 7 01/06/21 Statewide
46043 C Handicap Ramp and Loading Dock Replacement 01/06/21 Suffolk
45877 C, E Provide Wedgewire Screen & Pump Station Upgrades 12/30/20 Albany
M3116 C, E, H, P Replace Roof, Buildings 1C, 1D, 1E, & 1F 12/30/20 Dutchess
45321 C Rehabilitate Campus Infrastructure and Pavements, Reconfigure Main Gate 12/30/20 Kings
45853 E Provide Civilian Personal Alarm System 12/30/20 Sullivan
46036 C Safety Office Renovations, Building 64 12/16/20 Oneida
45171 C, E, P Replace Floor & Sanitary Drains, Building 12 12/16/20 Orleans
45137 C Replace Lower Roof, Main Building 12/16/20 Queens
45857 C, E, H, P Rehabilitate Wastewater Treatment Plant 12/16/20 Ulster
M3098 H Heating System Repairs, Building 12 Vocational School 12/09/20 Dutchess
Q1799 C Replace Doors, Building 842 12/09/20 Dutchess
46010 E, H Replace Heat Exchangers, Housing Units 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, Buildings1, 4 & 13 12/09/20 Franklin
45947 C Rehabilitate Main Entry, Building 34 12/09/20 Kings
45977 H Upgrade Process High Pressure Steam System, Building 4 12/09/20 New York
Q1787 C Demolish Buildings 32, 33, 26 & 52 12/09/20 Oneida
46024 H Remove/Replace Air Handling Unit, Building 144 12/09/20 Rockland
44086 C, E, H, P Replace Wastewater Treatment Plant 12/09/20 Ulster
M3049 C Replace Roof Building 26 12/09/20 Westchester
Q1784 C Replace Sanitary Line 12/09/20 Wyoming
45659 C, E, H Replace Windows, Stairways & Upgrade HVAC, Building 819 12/02/20 Dutchess
45945 C Recover Roof, Building 45 12/02/20 Orange
45946 C Replace Roof, Building 10 12/02/20 Orange
46025 C Rehabilitate Building Envelope, Building 55 12/02/20 Queens
M3113 C Replace Roofing, Building 132 12/02/20 Wyoming
45886 C Replace Roof, Dunlap Building 102 11/18/20 New York
46026 C Rehabilitate Parking Lots & Roadways, Buildings 55 & 56 11/18/20 Queens
46022 C, E, H Rehabilitate Freezer Space RS-7 & RS-8, Building 144 11/18/20 Rockland
45572 C Habitat Restoration Spicer Creek WMA 11/04/20 Erie
Q1804 C Demolish Masonry Shed & Well Casing 11/04/20 Orange
45789 C, E Rehabilitate Roads & Sidewalks, Buildings 18, 60, 73, and 75 11/04/20 Queens
45834 C, E, H, U Rehabilitate Elevators, Building 40 11/04/20 Queens
45624 C, E, H Replace Roof, Building 35 11/04/20 Rockland
45151 C, E, H, P Provide Subheadquarters 11/04/20 Suffolk
46209 E, H Replace Heating System 11/04/20 Warren
M3115 C Abate ACM Plaster, Bldgs, 10/Block B, 11/Block A and 13/Block D 10/28/20 Erie
45499 C Replace Relief Wells 10/21/20 Cattaraugus
M3077 C, E, H, P, U Rehabilitate Elevator, Building 21-1 10/21/20 Dutchess
46176 E, H Replace Boiler System 10/21/20 Rensselaer
45595 E, H Replace HVAC System, Building 1 10/07/20 Albany
M3068 C Replace Roofs & Repair Windows, Buildings 4 & 5 Bridges 10/07/20 New York
Q1780 C, E, H, U Repair Elevator, Building 99 09/16/20 Chemung
45903 C, E, H, U Rehabilitate Elevator, Physician Office Building 09/16/20 Onondaga
M3111 C, H, P Replace Heating System Piping 09/02/20 Chemung
Q1796 C Investigate Oil Water Separator 09/02/20 Essex
Q1774 C Rehabilitate Fish Ladder & Viewing Platform 09/02/20 Oswego
46184 C, E, H, P Rehabilitate Restroom 09/02/20 Rensselaer
M3108 H Rehabilitate Exterior Heating System Stanchion Supports 08/26/20 St Lawrence
Q1797 C Replace Roof 08/26/20 Westchester
46221 C, E, H, P Rehabilitate Restrooms & Locker Rooms 08/14/20 Erie
46086 C Renovate Jamaica Armory 08/14/20 Queens
M3123 C Replace Roof 08/12/20 Albany
45319 C, E Replace Roofs and Provide Exterior Stairs 08/12/20 Columbia
46223 C, E, H, P Rehabilitate Restrooms 08/05/20 Erie
46226 C Rehabilitate Restrooms 08/05/20 Westchester
46183 E Provide Lighting Upgrade 07/29/20 Monroe
46185 C Replace Roof 07/29/20 Richmond
46046 C, E, H, P Provide HVAC And Interior Renovations, Building 503 07/29/20 Westchester
46015 E, H Remove/Replace Boilers 07/22/20 Chautauqua
46153 C Replace EDPM Roof 07/22/20 Onondaga
46172 C Provide Structural Repairs 07/22/20 Richmond
46066 E Provide Natural Gas Standby Generator 07/15/20 Albany
Q1802 C Remove / Replace Roofs, Buildings 2, 3, 3A, 4, 5 & 6 07/15/20 Albany
46016 C Provide Administrative Office Repairs, Phase II 07/15/20 Suffolk
Last Updated:  3/14/2025 3:05:35 AM